Don´t Play the Race Game

“Don`t you forget no way, who you are and where you stand in the struggle!

Bob Marley warned us. Most people out there have no clue what side they are really on. The race game only benefits those at the top, the white supremacist elite. And, yes, they got a lot to say, always talking down to the rest of us.

Get my upcoming book, 10 Keys to African American History, for more on the way race is used in the world to separate the people from each other.

White Supremacist Elite Strikes Again. Violence Undergirds its Power!

The New York Times reports

The white supremacist elite has struck again, this time in Milwaukee. Get a copy of my upcoming book, 10 Keys to African American History, to learn more about how this power structure has played the masses of blacks and whites against each other for generations.

Finally a History book that explains what we really need to know about race in America.


Coming soon to Amazon will be 10 Keys to African American History. While you await the release, be sure to download your FREE Amazon ebook reader app. for your mobile device or computer.

Get this book for yourself or anyone who needs to know more about race in America.


Diversity Needed in Book Publishing Industry

The same powers that subjugate people of color are the ones who dominate the piublishing industry. These forces prevent a fair hearing of minority grievances.


Read this NPR article.

Taking on Neoliberal Ideology


“As one of the sharpest minds in American Politics, Adolph Reed has remained a challenging and unique voice since his article, “Black Particularity Reconsidered,” originally published in TELOS in 1979. His subsequent works on Jessie Jackson, the Black Urban Regime, Black Academics, Labor and the Left continue to push the boundaries of Black intellectual thought, while positioning Reed as an insightful critic and bold outlier in the study of Black life. Whether it’s Political Science, African-American Studies, or Intellectual History, Reed rarely leaves the orthodoxy unchallenged. No doctrine remains sacrosanct, no tenet untested. He consistently pushes the limits of racial thinking, while deepening our understanding of class and its intra-racial impacts. For these reasons, among so many more, The Black Scholar is ecstatic to share this two-part, in-depth interview, which was conducted in September of 2015. In it, Reed expounds on everything from #BlackLivesMatter, neoliberalism, and Black elected officials, to Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and presidential politics. As insightful and unflinching as ever, Reed delivers what we believe to be one of the timeliest conversations for our Blog.”

The Black Scholar

Slavery by Other Means

Intolerable Burden explores the difficulty poor African Americans face getting any form of education in the Mississippi Delta. Most telling is that local school boards are often dominated by the same powerful racist elite families who owned the plantations and the workers themselves. These elites have no desire to see an educated population. Never have. Never will.  Get my book, 10 Keys to African American History (regardless of your race), due out late August, and live. Trust the racists and perish.