Further Proof Racists Block Black Professors From Success

Marybeth Gasman is an Ivy League Professor who knows full well just how her fellow educators mistreat Black academics. The time has come for us to stand up to racism in the Ivy Tower and beyond.

Buy my book becaue as Professor Gasman explains, the schools are not going to teach you African American History.


African American History Books to Read

At the top of this list is my book, 10 Keys to African American History, available on Amazon. I suggest you purchase the convenient, immediately downloadable ebook version. Do not worry about getting an e-reader device. You can read ebooks on your computer, phone or other other mobile device that has Internet access. ç

Knowledge is the key to survivial


How much African American History do you really know? Find out!

This short, 10 question quiz will help you know how much African American History you know.


Have fun and order a copy of 10 Keys to African American History from Amazon soon.





New 10 Keys to African American History book cover


10 Keys to African American History is a book written by an historian who has taught in major colleges and published in top academic journals. He believes campus administrators and local school board leaders obstruct the teaching of black history to such a degree that most students graduate with no real understanding about race.

This book takes the ten most important concepts in African American History and explains them for a general audience. Knowledge of self can save your life.


Available soon via Amazon!


Happy Birthday Marcus Garvey (Your words have come to pass, brother!)


August 17th is the birthday of Jamaican political leader Marcus Garvey.

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”

Yes, his words have come to pass!

Be sure to get a copy of my book, 10 Keys to African American History, coming soon, to avoid the fate of those who don`t know history.


Don´t Play the Race Game

“Don`t you forget no way, who you are and where you stand in the struggle!

Bob Marley warned us. Most people out there have no clue what side they are really on. The race game only benefits those at the top, the white supremacist elite. And, yes, they got a lot to say, always talking down to the rest of us.

Get my upcoming book, 10 Keys to African American History, for more on the way race is used in the world to separate the people from each other.

White Supremacist Elite Strikes Again. Violence Undergirds its Power!

The New York Times reports

The white supremacist elite has struck again, this time in Milwaukee. Get a copy of my upcoming book, 10 Keys to African American History, to learn more about how this power structure has played the masses of blacks and whites against each other for generations.

Teaching While Black From 10 Keys to African American History


Having spent over a decade in a California graduate school, I was pleased to be returning to the South. Plus, this time, I would have a job as a professor. Moreover, I would be teaching Black History. Who could ask for more, I thought.


I announced the first exam well in advance. Being a caring professor and understanding that many of my students were first-generation college students, I explained that to complete the exam they would have to purchase a relatively inexpensive “blue book” from the student store (25 cents).

Now, the term “blue book” has been used for generations. Hell, I have heard it mentioned in various movies, books and magazine articles before and after I left this unnamed university.

Well, low and behold, a white student went to the Dean and told him I was a racist. What? Yes, apparently, she felt threatened because I demanded that everyone use a blue book and that must mean anybody who used a special green exam book, some of which the student store apparently began printing that semester in an attempt to be eco-friendly, would fail. Patently absurd.

So, why was I even called in to talk to the Dean? Well, of course, the first reason was because this was, after all, just a Black History class. Nothing serious or worth respecting.

Second, this white woman had recently won the Confederate Daughter Prize. Oh, yeah, this was straight white supremacy in my face. No descendant of slaves has a right to be in front of a college classroom containing was the lesson.

Yes, this white woman suddenly became a make-believe liberal concerned and confused by my mention of a “blue book,” which professors have used to refer to college exam books for decades. And, as any of you who attended college know that is the name printed on the front of them. I am quite sure I was not her only professor to call them blue books, we all do. Just the only black professor!

See, these are the types of people who disrupt African American History courses behind the scenes. They are the reason most of us have little knowledge of self. Anyone who actually tries to convey information about racism gets sidetracked by silly, though effective, political games.


10 Keys to African American History is a book written by an historian who has taught in major colleges and published in top academic journals. He believes campus administrators and local school board leaders obstruct the teaching of black history to such a degree that most students graduate with no real understanding about race.

This book takes the ten most important concepts in African American History and explains them for a general audience. Knowledge of self can save your life.